Biden and Harris are two imperfect but fundamentally decent individuals

We now know that it will be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will go against Donald Trump and Mike Pence in November.

Ms Harris is certainly an impressive candidate, with a fine record both as prosecutor and a senator. However, there are some misgivings about her prosecutorial work, “especially from the left”. Apparently, she was not too keen on prosecuting police officers, among other things.

As for Mr Biden, allegations of acting inappropriately against women are common knowledge. He probably could have acted more in keeping with modern times on occasions.

The doubts surrounding the two candidates are well worth examining, but we should bear in mind that no misdeed has ever been proven. And we need to compare these two people with their opponents.

In terms of intelligence, common decency, ability and integrity, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are a vast improvement on the current president and his sidekick.

If Americans truly want to make their country great again, the choice in November is rather obvious.

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